Friday, October 15, 2004

" Dear Friend, V ( Faith ) "

Dear Friend,

How are you doing?
I hope you are doing fine.

You asked me about "Faith".
Well, there are things to say.
What I want to share with you now is some concept that I have come to believe in after much ado. (When I say much ado, I mean much ado. Believe me!)

Let me start out with a question. (You might at first think it's so irrelevant, but you will see that it is not.)
Have you ever fallen in love? (I mean a real passionate fiery one.)
If you have, then you will be able to understand my words better.
When you are in love, you feel you are in a different world, separate from the rest. If someone tries to reason with you (in any way), you won't listen. And if you do, you won't understand. As if you see everything with a different eye, from a different point of view.
The same is viceversa. That is, it's hard to understand lovers. What they do and what they say seems funny sometimes.
You know what they say:
" Dancers look funny to those who don't hear the music."

It's a whole separate world. With its own rules and values.
When I say they are separate, it doesn't mean you can't be in two of them at the same time, but it means to understand the residents of a world, you have to be one of them.

And the same goes for the World of Art, the World of Friendship (Ma'refat!) and many many other worlds.

One of these worlds, is the World of Logic. (Your world I guess.)
And another is the World of Faith. (The World of Religion.)
These two (like the others) are not opposite. They are just different.

And here rises one of the biggest misunderstandings of mankind, leading to one of the worst mistakes: "Trying to mix up." Trying to judge others through one's own standards:
The Logical calls everyone else "irrational" and The Lover calls them "non-romantic".
The Religious calls others "unfaithful" and The Artist calls them "crude". And so on...
And you know what?:
"They are all wrong."

And the same applies to the concepts in each:
Reasoning with a lover is as pointless as urging a commoner to enjoy Art.
The struggles to prove "There is no God" are as meaningless as the ones trying to prove His existence.

And this mistake has given birth to blind fights and quarrels, cruel wars and bloodshed all along the history, even at this present time. (Especially in the third world countries.)
Simply because people have been unable to come to believe that they are not the only ones.

Finally remains one last question "Which one is better?"
Who could tell? (Except for himself/herself.) That is, maybe for you one is more suitable than the other, but the same might not apply to your brother. (If you have one!)

Well, can you advertise your creed?
Of course. But you have to be loyal to the rules of dialogue. (Something that we Iranians haven't learnt, most unfortunately.)
Are you happy with your choice? And you want to share it with others?
Be my guest. Do it.
Talk about yourself: your beliefs, your ideas, your World, its beauties, its advantages... Instead of focusing on finding faults with others, making fun of each-other, hurting each-other's feelings, calling names, offending, insulting, slighting and humiliating (I am giving you synonyms. Check the rest in your dictionary!!) anyone who doesn't belong to your world. (I don't say that you do all these things, or you are the only who does. I am talking in general.)
You say what you have to say, and so do I and so do the rest.
And then let's allow people to decide which one suits them best. (Everyone for himself.)

In the end, let me wrap it up by a quote from Coelho:
"Respect other people's choices as you expect them to respect yours.
Because, maybe you chose a good way for your life, but it's not the only good way there is.
Because to believe in your way, you needn't prove all the other ways are wrong.
And finally, because if more people believe in a way, it doesn't make it more correct."

Best Wishes,


Anonymous said...

dear ali!
I'm so glad to find you here.I enjoyed very much!
I have some problems I might ask in futur
go on and keep in touch!

Anonymous said...

You just talk or u can be like this? that's the question.