Sunday, June 26, 2005

" Three Word Tips II ( A Sequel! ) "

Dear Colleagues,
Remember me from last time?
It’s me again!
The Three Word Tips guy letting you on the handiest secrets of medical practice ever!
Here I come with a second helping to serve.

But before everything let me express my most heartfelt gratitude for the dear friends who kindly favored me with their precious comments.
Especially Dr DJ, Arman Arghami, Nasim Choobdari, Muhammad Munir, Sadia Farooqi, Nour-ul-ain Agha, Flavia Pereira, Majid Zakir and many others.

Well, here is today’s bunch. I hope you find it colorful enough!

Consider Patient’s Compliance.
Don’t Hate Hysterics.
Malingering? Maybe Not!
Overprize Pediatric Fever.
Don’t Worship Paraclinic.
Labs Make Mistakes.
Haste Makes Waste.
Read. Then Sign.
Consult Your Manual.
In Doubt, Refer.


So, why don’t you go on and complete the list?
And if you want to comment, be my guest.
Wishing you all the best,


Anonymous said...

Dear Dr. Ali,
you are always bringing a smile on my face with your wise coments.
This time, especially with the one about hysterics... I thought it happens just here, in Brazil.
I would add:
"Put yourself in the pacient's place and see how you would like to be treated"
Flávia Pereira

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ali,
Your list was very interesting. Especially the one that says: “do not hate hysteric patients”. I would like to mention that the way my classmates and I (1368 entry) were taught to deal with the hysteric patients at Ghaem Hospital was not right. We were taught to inject some intra dermal distilled water to induce pain and mention to the patient that you must feel good as I am injecting this ampoule. Since the poor patient had such an enormous amount of pain while we were performing the injection, he/she would sit up and start walking out of the clinic. This is the worst thing one can do to a hysteric patient. Of course, the correct management can be found in the relevant texts. I am not sure if this method of treating hysteric patients is still continuing in our hospitals. If the answer is yes, please take a moment and think about it. Isn’t it very inhumane to do such a painful injection to a patient that is already affected by so much stress and anxiety?

All the best,

Anonymous said...

indeed these r the precious words wch we doctors always ignore while dealing with the day to day practice.......its a comon experience to find hysterics whor mis diagnosed n coz of this the pt n his or her family has to suffer.indeed its a very noble profession of being a doctor. n its only helpful if we r fully dedicated n devoted...thanx.........

Anonymous said...

Dear Ali
It's a long time that there is nothing written and a long time that u haven't come here, so I'm going to miss you.
Engineers don't understand anything about these things so, write something for them too.