Sunday, November 27, 2005

" You Choose the Question, I Choose the Answer! "

1. What is the reason behind all you do?
2. What gives meaning to your life?
3. How would you summarize your life?
4. What is the definition of life to you?
5. What's your purpose in life?
6. What do you live for?
7. What is the gold standard acoording which you choose through your options?


Whichever question you choose; my answer is only three words:

" Truth, Love, Justice "

How many words is your answer?


Anonymous said...

salam duste aziz
mesle hamishe ziba bood o ghabele taamol.
javab man faghat yek kalamast:
Love,everything with love & everything for love.
ba arezoye movafaghiat

Anonymous said...

Hi remember me?, what's up?
my answer is one word " NOTHING"
take care

Anonymous said...

My answer is 2 word:LOVE n God
But.....kalamate digaran inaro mokamel mikonan vali asliyash inha hastan.
moafagho moaayad bashi.

Anonymous said...

Justice? really?!
Maybe because u are a libra!
anyway, I love justice , love and truth.