Tuesday, September 05, 2006

" Vital Death "

If you find out that you are about to die in one hour, what do you do?
Maybe you panic so hard you just lay down and wait!

What if it's a day?
You'll try to see all your dearest for one last time.

A week?
Friends, acquaintances...

A month?
Unfinished projects...

A year?
Places you haven't been to. Books you haven't read...

5 years?
Maybe a little more extensive program!

Well... What's the rush? Take it easy!

Well, that means all of us! Let's live it out!!

When you feel death breathing down the back of your neck, you will try to do all the things you always wanted to do, and never found the time for.
The most important things of your life that you had overlooked over and over again. And sacrificed them for the things less important.
But the further you consider yourself from death, the less you feel obliged to pursue your dreams.
You postpone it to a promised tomorrow that never arrives. Because you think to yourself, "Hey! I got the time of the world. Let's take it easy. Haste makes waste!!"
And then you take it too easy. So easy that you don't see the moments rushing away.

We don't die on a specific date and time.
Every night we die from that day and every morning we are born to a new day.
What happens is that one of these days, we die without being born again!!

So' we'd better live every moment as though it is our last.
Getting the best of it.
And be with our dear ones like it's the last time we see them.
Being the best of us.


♥ ! RahNii ! ♥ said...

Salaam dost...
Kheili kubam merci :)
Ahhh my farsi is bad :( when you say "koja farsi yad gerefti?"
"where... farsi?" Where did I learn? Its a guess, I hope I am right ....! I learnt from some friends that live in the city...so I dont always use farsi....

"kheili khub harf mizani!" Hehehe... very good.... ?

Ahhh! I am first comment! :p
You write such beautiful pieces!! I wish you have great day dost azizam!!


Anonymous said...

impressive in fact, very impressive, did you finish your recruitment.

Anonymous said...

faghat mikhastam begam ke webloget mahshare..... matnat kheili tafakor barangize
vaghean motshakeram az matn haye zibat....
omidvaram hamishe movafagh o piroz bashi
ya hagh

Anonymous said...

Hi !
I found your web today, it's excellent!,It's wonderfull that a you write in english.
I does'nt khnow english!! (excus if i'm take mistake)but i'm trying to establish diolog with you. pleas help me.

Good Luck

Anonymous said...

I don’t know why ?!
but when I read most some of your post and then your comments I feel like killing my self, not that they where so affective or something ..I don’t know why?!

Anonymous said...

a really thought provoking write up pal...i was skimming through and wished it to be forever..

Anonymous said...

I really Loved this part of the blog;and you know what? it's always great to hear and read from dear old friends!
Keep this blob forever!


Rahim Emami