Friday, April 27, 2007

" Who Am I ? "

Each and every human being has a concept of the self he/she is related to. And he lives for/by/with that concept.
It's all in our consciousness.
Even the part that questions the existence of a personal, individual core at all.

Now, of all these different elements forming our identity, which one is our real self?

The answer is: all and none.

Consider a tree.
It has: root, trunk, branches, twigs, leaves, blossoms, fruits…
So which one is the tree?
Is tree anything but each and every one of these?
But, could you point out each one and call it The Tree?

Maybe it's not the best example.
You can say that a tree is still a tree without its leaves or blossoms or fruits!
I know. It's just an example. You can think of better ones yourself!!

But what I am trying to say is that our self is constituted of different layers. Influenced by our genetics, environment, education…
And we are common in almost all of these factors in many aspects.

But what makes each individual unique is the exclusive combination of them all in each certain individual.
A common denominator of all the numbers adding up to our total self.
And this grand total is what makes us free from the determination of each of these constituents.

To realize all the different identities residing in our mind we need a little meditation.
When we try to put a little distance between ourselves and the multi-personal scene of babble inside us, we come to realize an original self that seems to be ever-observing all this commotion in process.

And this fundamental basis, though buried in the depth of our unconscious, is common in all humans. (However different and unique each one is in his/her details.)
In fact, it's what makes us defined as human beings in the first place.
And reaching towards that core could be the key to a universal understanding of good and bad.

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