Saturday, December 24, 2005

" Santa Claus "

Have you written your letter to Santa?
What have you asked for?
Health? Success in your exams? Promotion at your job? A peaceful life with no stress...?
Of course, these are really important things.
But they are not anything you can receive in your red stocking.
They are things you can ask from Santa Maria!
What do you want from Santa Claus?

I believe Santa is a chance for all of us, to be a child again.
To believe in miracles:
That a white long-bearded old man dressed in red, with his reindeer-drawn sledge will fly over our rooftops, climb down our chimneys, and secretly stuff our hopeful stockings with the goodies we have wished for so innocently!

And that's the beauty of it all, isn't it?

Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

jalebe!! va dorost .Hala vaghean be in natije residi ya inke hamash ye gheseye khiyali bood ?.?

Anonymous said...

rastyyyyyyyyyyyy eshtebah shode man in nazari ke dadam male in ghsmat nabode male paiinish bode.loooool