Saturday, October 09, 2004

" Dear Friend, III ( Writing ) "

Dear Friend,

You have such a nice style of writing, and your command of the language is so authoritative.
I promise, (Promise I said), that you will definitely become something, if you try a bit.

Just do some reading (as I'm sure you do). Read everything: plays, novels, articles, short stories, prose, poetry, serious, light, all kinds.
Just find some time to read. And keep at it.

And write.
Writing keeps you in touch with yourself:
It makes you observe (to collect the material), think (to analyze the data), evaluate (to compare it with the other data you already have) and finally, conclude and express the result.
And you certainly agree just how much this helps to refine yourself.

It also helps to track down the changes you go through (emotionally, personally, in your character, etc), and to analyze it better retrospectively.

It's just great.
Do it.
You won't regret it.
Take care,


Anonymous said...

i found your weblog address in shamlou's community in have a nice weblog....
i like your style of writing..
Blessed Be
myweblog address:

Anonymous said...

سلام علی جان راستش نیت کرده بودم ایندفعه انگلیسی کامنت بدهم ولی دیدم ویندوز رو فارسیه حالش نیست.خوب ادمیزاد بنده تنبلیشه دیگه.........نمیدونم روی صحبتت اگر با من بود که دستت درد نکنه خیلی لطف ذاری.هرچند نصیحتهای پدربزرگانه بود ولی من هم به چشم یک شاگرد اونهارو قبول میکنم.اگر هم با من نبودی که پس من اینجا چه غلطی میکنم؟