Monday, October 04, 2004

" From Paulo Coelho VI "

· A ship is safest at the harbor, but it wasn't built for that.

· You can never turn back in time, so, always think about going on.

· You don't have to climb a mountain to see how tall it is.

· Silence doesn't always mean "approval". It might also mean "inability to disagree".

· When you achieve something important in life, it doesn't mean you have to forget about everything else.

· Only when you can understand the meaning of a misfortune, that you have come over it.

· You should learn what you need to know. Not what you like to.

· What makes you drown is not falling into water. It's staying under water.

· You may doubt the way you were meant to go. You may even leave it sometimes. But you may never forget it.

· Busy people usually find time for everything in their life, while the lazy ones always nag about lack of time.

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