Monday, October 04, 2004

" From Paulo Coelho VII "

· God is where you let him be.

· The world is the visible side of God.

· Forgive your enemy, but never regard him as your friend.

· "Attack" and "retreat" are both accepted in a battle. What is unacceptable is to be paralyzed by fear.

· If you lose your faith, still keep on moving. Because that's where we get faith: in persistance.

· Sometimes we worry so much about arrival, we forget about moving on.

· Running away from the battle is worse than losing it.

· No-one is always wrong in this world. Even a non-working clock shows the correct time twice a day.

· We always see the best way to go very clearly. But, sadly enough, we usually take the one we are used to go.

· The end doesn't justify the means, because ends are built upon the means.

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